Hello, I am so excited today, because my markers came! I have been waiting for them for a week. And finally, they are in my hands. Actually, they came three days ago but I waited and didn't open them for this blog. Today, finally I will open my package and show it to you. I wanted to make and edit a video for it, but I don't have plenty of time, so you just can see their photos. My house is still messy, and I haven't found my phone holder yet. So let's start unboxing! Whoa, I opened it but you cannot see ha ha. Here is a photo of it. They look bright and e x p e n s iv e :) I bought two sets, one is Sharpie Fine Permanent Marker(24pcs) and the other one is Sharpie Ultra Fine Permanent Marker(12pcs) . I have been working on a project at Bilsem, which is fashion design. We draw clothes, shoes, bags etc. there. I had wanted to buy Sharpies before, then our teacher said that we should buy permanent markers for drawing. I looked the markers after ope...
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