Leonardo da Vinci From Different Perspectives

 Leonardo da Vinci is an important symbol in the Renaissance, which is the new beginning of history of science and thoughts. He lived between 1453 and 1519, in Florence, Milan, Amboise and more. When it was realized that there was very little information about nature, researches were started in science, philosophy and art with observation and experiments. And Leonardo was the first important representative of it.

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci(1453-1519)

Da Vinci had intense interest of science, philosophy and arts. For him, making paintings is not just an art, also a science to search the answers of nature's secrets. Outstanding color, light and composition usage shows that he observed human, nature and space very well. After lots of thinking of eyes, observing, light, colors and perspective, he understood that he needs to learn optic discipline to get the perspective knowledge that he needs to draw. This understanding took him opportunity more than he needed, later he became enough learned to contribute for optic discipline. 

Da Vinci, who thinks observe is a learning system for both artist and scientist, learned most of the knowledge of lights and colors from Ibnu'l Heysem, and other handcrafting knowledge from sculptor Verrocchio who is working with him. While learning about art techniques, he also learned making lenses on sculptor's workshop. Da Vinci, who has interests in events around him, made many inventions, did scientific researchs, and found that light spreads in the wave forms. He also worked about color creations and image happenings in the dark room, but he didn't find something odd from the results that had found before. 

After Leonardo learned informations about flying, he made machines to help flying so his interest made him a engineer. While observing the nature, he found about birds and their flying ability with the help of winds. Then he developed some machines, and drew them elaborately. Parachute, helicopter and elaborate wings drawings are some evidences of his engineering skills. Another impressive side of him was using the mirror writing.

While Leonardo was trying to find opportunities to apply his designs, he wanted help from Ottomans. He mentioned a bridge, a water drainage system and a windmill on his letter to Sultan Beyazit II but his offer didn't accepted.

After learning many things about Leonardo da Vinci, it is time to stop writing for me, Bye Bye👋



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